Although the term Employer Branding has been popularized quite recently, experts fully appreciated its role in the functioning and development strategy of companies. It is a series of activities presenting the company as an employer and business partner worthy of recommendation, addressed to current and future employees, other companies or clients. The branding strategy is divided into two types, distinguishing External Employer Branding and Internal Employer Branding.

External Employer Branding – get committed professionals

The strategy of acquiring new employees should be based on knowledge about their expectations and the specificity of the choices they most frequently make in the professional area. More and more jobseekers carefully assess the company in which they can find employment, and the offered financial conditions are not the only criterion for selecting a future employer. A company interested in recruiting the best employees must not only convince them to connect their professional fate with it, but also effectively recruit the most suitable candidates for its profile.

A well-thought-out brand recommendation strategy remains the key; among the various forms of promotion, its image on the Internet, including on social networks, cannot be missed.

Internal Employer Branding – dignity and empathy in the workplace

Completing a team of professionals is not the only goal included in Employer Branding. Another, equally important, is integrating them and creating a relationship of loyalty and sympathy between employees and the company. It is Internal Employer Branding, i.e. creating a positive work environment, providing employees with development opportunities, appreciating them as part of competitions organized by the company, and finally the aforementioned team integration, e.g. through joint participation in charity initiatives.

Skilful management of employees’ talents is also important, supported by interviews that allow them to define their changing needs.

Profits from taking advantage of the opportunities offered by Employer Branding

Creating a loyal and committed team – a company with a high rotation does not arouse the trust of both potential employees and business partners. Employees who feel appreciated will focus on activities supporting the company’s development, not on trying to change employers as soon as possible.

Building good business relationships – a well-coordinated team of employees who performs the entrusted tasks very well, creates a stable position of the company, which can also be noticed by potential business partners looking for experienced and reliable contractors.

Learning how to shape long-term relationships – by caring for the company’s development, through skilfully conducted recruitment processes and building strategies within the company resulting in the team’s full involvement in the tasks entrusted to it, the employer develops the skills to build long-term relationships, also useful in contacts with business partners and clients.

Between HR and marketing

Despite the obvious advantages brought by companies using the strategies carried by Employer Branding, many of them do not have a department dedicated to them, and strategies similar to the activities in the area of ​​Employer Branding are implemented by employees responsible for HR or marketing. This is not the right way – building the image of the employer requires specialists to have both knowledge of human resources management and marketing.